Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Corruption in Private Sector

A study on Corruption in Private Sector

As per Transparency India survey, India ranks 85th in corruption perception index out of 175 countries in its 2014 study.

It is common for everyone to believe that all public sector officials are corrupt and corruption exist more in the government departments.  As bureaucrats have natural environment to take bribes and play major part in sharing bribes in India.

I is interesting to analyze corrupt practices in Pvt. Sector.  It is true that bribe takers are more in public sector the bribers constitute major part of corrupt activities in India. Within private organization, the executives at different level indulge in corrupt practices. They are the one who encourage bribe taker to demand money for accomplishing task assigned by the companies, by taking margin in bribe payouts. Eg. In case land dealing, the concerned official representing the company inflate the cost and take share. In case of dealing in any type of out sourcing services, again the company officials take part in sharing some margin thereby escalating the cost and wasting the shareholders money.

In every transactions from stationeries to purchase of aircrafts every officials involved in the company dishonestly appropriate money.
Hence dishonest earning of money in private sector is more than public sector. A number of people serving in private sector are more than people engaged in public sector (around 1.50 million manpower in central PSUs in 2010).

It is also true that bribe givers are more than bribe takers. The bribe givers constitute grate number of private individuals and organizations.

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